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barnfind Devin was hiding a Ferrari 340 America chassis... that will fetch 10000 times the ebay sale price of 26 thou if restored

Written By Ishimaru Kaito on Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012 | 15.15

Full story at http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2006-08-13/travel/0608130044_1_chassis-racers-collectors

But the short story is that this was a significant racecar, and when the original body was thoroughly damaged, a fiberglass Devin body was mounted 46 years ago, and the Ferrari lineage was forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind.

The seller bought it as a $200 project 15 years ago. It's a factory competition Ferrari, as the even numbered ones were, #0202 precisely. The car raced at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1952.

 Luigi Chinetti bought it in 1953 and sold it to Ernie McAfee in Los Angeles.

Shaughnessy has the edge. "I already have a running engine, rear end, transmission, pedal box, radiator and oil cooler."
He even thinks he knows where the original V-12 engine is and hopes he might be able to persuade the owner to trade for his motor, which is close to the same number.

 if restored, the Ferrari will look like the below photo
Photos from http://www.gatsbyonline.com/main.aspx?page=text&id=758&cat=auto 

I learned about this barnfind at http://www.hagerty.com/classic-car-articles-resources/Features/News/All-Articles/2012/01/26/Top-five-barn-finds?utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_medium=email&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=January%20Hagerty%20News 
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